For almost a decade, Manuel Noriega was the face of the corrupt and notorious Panamanian government, earning him the title of the...
At the time when British invasion was all the rage, one relatively unknown big-haired, beautiful girl made a name for herself. During...
Throughout the history of the human race, there have always been individuals who stood out from the rest of mankind. These people...
There have been countless individuals who strived to leave a lasting mark, a name, or an accomplishment in the annals of recorded...
John Glenn is an American pioneer who first served the United States as an astronaut, and later on as a senator. He...
Achieving fame can be very strange. In recent years, a good number of people who achieved celebrity status did not even have...
When it comes to gangster couples, none could ever surpass the popularity of the infamous Bonnie and Clyde. All throughout pop culture,...
Among the many scientists and inventors of the past who have made significant contributions to the advancement of human society, perhaps none...
The human race is known for the anger and violence that each individual is capable of releasing. A primal and sometimes carnal...
With her sensible combination of pop rock and country singing, Jessie James established an on-stage persona that caught the attention of music...